Is DNA Heritage the Answer to Humanities Core Problems with Ethnicity?

Humanity is a grand experiment! What happens when millions of species of plants, animals, birds, fish, insects and reptiles live on one planet and the space slowly becomes smaller? One rises to take control out of fear, protection and survival. Humanity (Homo sapiens) is that species, false as that security is. The fragile human form born with few defenses created additional implements of protection against fierce animals with superior instincts. Scientifically we have been divided into three groups and from there another 30 subgroups. The beliefs of these migrating groups along with cross-cultural development generated further distinctions. Naturally people are proud of their heritage, but sometimes this gives rise to the superiority that causes ignorant clashes of opinion. Education, practical awareness and travel are the best cure for thoughts of supremacy. Not much is hidden from anyone these days; everyone can search the internet, go to a library or ...