
Showing posts from April, 2017

Is Bullying a Learned Behaviour?

Aggression is an abhorrent behaviour when it is used as a weapon to subdue or control others. Over the centuries many have taught the young to fight, manipulate and steal in order to survive, obtain wealth or gain status. The victims of aggression often found themselves in unwinnable situations and moved away from the hostilities, where possible. When situations became too stifling for communities and words of fairness could not be heard, they banned together against tyrannical groups or individuals and war ensued. Those that are corner are forced to defend themselves. Aggression is an abhorrent behaviour when it is used as a weapon to subdue or control others.  The history of ancestors at war has bought some eras of peace, but at what cost to human emotional development and empathy for others? Children and teenagers learn from the world around them, they know how to fight, verbally abuse, manipulate via stealth, make fun of others, use online deception and tell half the...