From Human to Machine; Manufactured Drudgery, No. 67

Did humanity fare well as large nations developed? Prosperity in flourishing cities does have a downside. Wants and needs lead to large-scale production and that leads to poverty and drudgery for at least a quarter of the population. The desire for more turned humans into machines; a mind numbing experience of toil for very little in return! The twenties century bought an influx of manufacturing to the world. The human spirit and any creativity lost to repetitive task. The industrial revolution ushered in a new era of slaves. The cost of new products and inventions bought long hours, poor health, workplace accidents, physical exhaustion, and early deaths. The industry took the young and accelerated aging. Mental health was at an all-time low because people are not machines; they are equipped for variation, not production lines. Parents wanted a better future for their children, as daily struggles to feed families were difficult. Who is to blame; the business people who owned ...