Prime Focusing Point

We may not always notice a
concentrated focusing of our thoughts in one or two areas of life. There is a
lot of surface babble going on in the mind and deeper thoughts that need closer
attention. Looking carefully at this you can see patterns quickly emerge. Things
that you believe, subjects that challenge you, thoughts about others, the
darker and lighter sides of your personality and fears that you keep hidden are
all in the mix of your minds daily journeys. Our thoughts are made up of memories
– all that we have seen, done, experienced, invented, judged and imagined.
Somewhere is this chatter are a few focusing points that get all the attention!
You will notice your minds prime focusing
points in moments when you are quiet, doing repetitive tasks or when you are
waiting. It may be just five minutes, but our vast intelligence is busy
creating numerous scenarios where victory, love, revenge and adventure are
playing out. Most of the time this has a minor impact on life or you totally
dismiss it in seconds, but it is interesting to see if there are any major
themes running through this mind play or just snippets of everything. Taking
notice assists in knowing yourself to a greater degree, though for some this
information could be vital.
Your main focusing points could
actually lead you somewhere; maybe you are more creative than you think? Most
parents are of course focused on their children, but they will still have areas
of their lives that are dedicated to the things that they enjoy doing – we are
all individuals with a life plan that we make to suit our needs and desires. Your
focusing point may be on what you think is obvious, but if it lies elsewhere
take a closer look – there may be secrets or something unexpected in these
thoughts (hopefully all helpful and productive). If a few insecurities show up
in these floating visions don’t let that bother you, as a whole people judge
themselves way to harshly. No one is asking for perfection, just a little more
information (If you don’t like what you see and it seems more detrimental than beneficial
please consult a doctor or therapist).
Humanity is a populous of serial knowledge
seekers. We admire the strong-minded and compassionate people within society
who take on their quest and win. But we have all done this to some degree and
will continue to do so. Make use of your prime focusing point – it is just
another tools to help you gain wisdom and learn more about yourself.
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Email: Book: The Scrolls of Wisdom, philosophical/spiritual self-help book finished (on the final edit – looking for publishers).
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