Hierarchy: Breaking Through Restrictive Systems

If you look carefully at the world you will find a multitude of restrictive human-made boundaries. Trying to achieve even the simplest and natural things can be difficult if there are a set of hurdles to jump over. Has bureaucracy reached a point of madness and have people accepted the limitations stacked before them?

At some point people lost their confidence and no matter how proficient they are – some semi-conscious person tells them they are not qualified and need years of training. There seems to be people who set up all kinds of things that are revenue raising and bogged down in time wasting hierarchical systems. There may even be a few charlatans ready to test your resolve. Ask yourself if the certificate or end result is worth it and if it is recognised. Give yourself time to think and you’ll know if it’s right for you. It’s one thing to do an apprenticeship or course of learning that has some real content, but also acknowledge that you have acquired wisdom and intelligence by your own means.
Regaining the confidence to say ‘I can do that,’ with a sense of joyous fulfilment is important. Being too passive is diminishing the human spirit. If you have learnt more than the people who would be your teachers – say no to any more time wasting. If you are curious ask why the course or system takes so long to complete or why it is so expensive. Is the person running the class qualified? Ask if you can submit something in writing that takes you straight to advanced standing. Speak plainly – it is not egotistical to have well-earned knowledge.
Don’t seek approval, push convention aside and create an original way forward. People that strive ahead in their personal endeavours have pride in themselves. Being proud of your achievements is a good thing and it empowers others to challenge ridiculous processes that damage the human spirit. If you have something to say, step up! Bring freedom back to your local community. Why not help your city council streamline their paperwork or help others suffering the torments of the legal process. Teach people simplicity! Be wise and confident; don’t shy away from challenging unjust conditions!
The Sage   Sharon D Bush
Writer   Historian   Artisan   Sage     

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Email: the.sage.sb@gmail.com
Book: The Scrolls of Wisdom, philosophical/spiritual self-help book finished (on the final edit – looking for publishers).


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