Priorities for Living, No. 48

What are humanities priorities for living and have they changed for better or worse? We live in strange and uncertain times; there is a kind of smouldering hysteria on the world stage as uneducated leaders making questionable decisions. The priorities of politicians are somewhat different to the daily lives of families. Some struggle to find food and shelter, some are managing, while others have an easier existence. Invisible pollution is rife as efforts to contain damaging emissions continue as the clock ticks. Hands are tied and mouths are hushed as protesters are portrayed as radicals – yet, why are desires for earthy longevity and peace such a crime?

Priorities for living are changing, but that depends on your view. If a reasonable reality is what you have, does it need closer inspection or not? Do people have the ability to see the overall picture of humanity or is that not their concern? How far does an individual’s empathy and action extend – to the family, extended family, the community, town, city, state, country, other nations, the planet? Are people able to see through the supplanted normalities that are produced to raise money for corporations? Have they the courage needed to ask questions and do research? Strong people are often out of any zone of comfort, taking risks, because that’s what it takes to be free of mind!

Priorities for daily living often come down to the basics of food, water, shelter, family, clothing, transport, work, creativity, love, and a sense of community, or do they? It seems modern necessities have built skyscrapers on top of these basics needs, creating a sense of greed and entitlement among many. Even housing has become a continuous obsession of extreme nesting, an example of how well someone is excelling in life and career. Children and young adults are often guided towards careers that will make them the most wealth instead of their priority – what they are passionate about! The planet should be a top priority, because none of us can live without it! Food and water shortages in years to come have been talked about for fifty years, but many are oblivious to that science or have higher priorities than that. Disease is a common petulance because our foods have been genetically altered, chemicals have been added and carcinogenic meats degrade people’s health. Yet many believe the happy advertising campaigns that say all is well as happy families smile around the dinner table with some unpalatable food is fine. Awareness is the key to a sustainable present and future. Rethink normality. Rethink your priorities. That’s real love for people and planet!

Sharon D Bush
Writer   Historian   Artisan   Sage     

Book: The Scrolls of Wisdom, philosophical/spiritual self-help book finished (on the final edit – looking for publishers).


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