The Rise and Fall of Civilisations, No. 63

The human story is full of light and creativity, though against a backdrop of greed and arrogance. Human emotional ecology is fraught with conflicting ideas that do not find equal balance. With evidence of so many ancient towns and civilisations collapsing due to poor decision making, how do we look upon our current world? Historical study could be the weapon that counters modern problems and brings a stable foundation. Civilisations are in cycles of growth and collapse because people forget; knowledge is not always passed on. Information is readily available, but people are time poor. History is not a top priority unless something interesting has your attention; future planning is not that popular either, people find it hard to look that far ahead. History repeats for this reason.

People are surprised when they first hear of unimaginable acts and decimation of land and species in a historical context. The archaeological record is full of information that we find baffling until we find ourselves in similar situations. The main causes of civilisations in demise falls into two categories: attacks on nature, attacks on populations. That sounds simplistic, but that may be the simple truth. If you harvest living forests beyond the needs of your own shores or for your own financial benefit, the natural balanced is removed and it dries out creating drought and fires. Continue in that way and your home in unliveable and migration in set in motion. Land clearing is monstrous when no moral or ecological limit is applied. Pollution fits in that category with the decimation of land, sea and waterways. The toxins from mineral extractions, the run-off from pesticides and animal agricultural turn natural environments into wastelands. These toxins spread easily in waterways and cull otherwise healthy populations of fish and other animals that depend on healthy water systems. Experts are quick to say some water is not fit for people to drink, but animals have no choice.

War is an attack on populations which leads to the destruction of the environment. Those that choose to lead nations have often had a superiority complex where greed and power are the objectives. Nature has no defence against the chemical filled weapons of war that humanity has created in recent centuries. The effects of war on populations of people and all other living creatures is a view of humanity at its worst. How can people who declare their love for Earth create this violation? Humanities innate flaw to find fault in others and take that to extreme levels of hatred has its consequences.  History is witness to what people are capable of, it’s not happy reading, but it must be learned by every new generation.

When the conflicts are over rebuilding begins and civilisations begin to rise, but how long before populations forget and repeat the situation? In past wars nature has been left barren until it finds a way to re-emerge, humanity does little to repair or replant after these hostile attacks. Selfishness is another flaw. People find it hard to recognise the trail of destruction they have created, but easily blame government inaction. We are all responsible for earthly survival; our towns and cities must be built or improved with nature in mind. Harvesting of natural resources on land or sea must be severely limited for nature to regain its stability. It is better to self-impose these restrictions now than suffer food and water shortages later. Take heart and take action, awareness is the key to solving all problems. Remove the anger and establish communities where all things are considered, put nature first and we all thrive.

Sharon D Bush
Writer   Historian   Artisan   Sage     

Instagram: @THESAGE00 or  @SACRED_LIVING
Pinterest: Sacred Living
Book: The Scrolls of Wisdom, philosophical/spiritual self-help book finished (on the final edit – looking for publishers).


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