
Showing posts from 2017

The Vivid Rapture of Love, No. 51

Love is a heightened emotion that is steady and unwavering in its soulful nature. It does not matter if that love is for children, parents, sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, friends, lovers or even the compassionate care towards strangers. Love is the reason for doing what we do in the life! Love is almost indescribable in nature and can take over our lives at the summits of joy or depths of despair. It’s almost a swelling of the heart and soul as the mind is rendered mute. Love is an intense emotion as the peaks of birth, growth, mutual love, marriage, success, loss, peace, misfortune, illness, and death visit us all. We are not alone, love is always there in one form all another. Everyone has the right to express love and receive love. There is something quite mystical about love, when it seems like the fates have aligned on certain occasion that bring bountiful change. Love is a pure emotion that comes with responsibility – loved ones put their faith and trust in you to...

Why Social Change Moves So Slowly. No. 50

  Social systems and social laws alter very slowly unless major upheavals push them into public view. One piece of important information may sit quietly for forty years until it is really heard and understood. Developing that belief into law will takes time. Finding general public consensus on new ideas is a lengthy process, even urgent matters are tied up in political paperwork for years. Humanity has created systems that often do not support the general populous, animals or the environment. Are the few in power becoming more greedy and negative, rather than positive and fair? Not a great deal can be done on a global scale, the expanse between different cultures and countries make progress far-reaching. Countries that are governed by dictatorships pose dangerous threats to communication, amendments and modernisation – this stagnant immovable mass deflects social change. These are strange and unpredictable times as the latest betrayals glare across news screens, though som...

Fatherhood, a Century of Change, No. 49

The changing role of fathers as parents has brought dramatic differences to the family unit with a century. During the difficult war years and great depression men kept their emotions hidden in order to portray certain strengths of character and calm. They were told that men don’t cry even though they had witnesses many horrors and heartaches – their role as head of the household was to be invincible and ever-strong in front of their families. This restrictive rhetoric led many to self-imposed emotional prisons, where escapism often led to substance abuse. This created an invisible wall that partially separated families from really knowing each other at a deeper level. The pressures of fatherhood were demanding as many struggled to find the steady work needed to support large families. People had a standard role of what they should be doing in society whether they liked it or not, though change evolved and some broke through the stereotypes. The more prosperous 1950’s had a fi...

Priorities for Living, No. 48

What are humanities priorities for living and have they changed for better or worse? We live in strange and uncertain times; there is a kind of smouldering hysteria on the world stage as uneducated leaders making questionable decisions. The priorities of politicians are somewhat different to the daily lives of families. Some struggle to find food and shelter, some are managing, while others have an easier existence. Invisible pollution is rife as efforts to contain damaging emissions continue as the clock ticks. Hands are tied and mouths are hushed as protesters are portrayed as radicals – yet, why are desires for earthy longevity and peace such a crime? Priorities for living are changing, but that depends on your view. If a reasonable reality is what you have, does it need closer inspection or not? Do people have the ability to see the overall picture of humanity or is that not their concern? How far does an individual’s empathy and action extend – to the family, extended fam...

Why States of Continuous Positivity are Unnatural

Being positive all the time is living a false existence. Emotions ebb and flow, they change according to situations, experiences and moods. Few days on planet earth are predictable, the natural world has its hostile elements; volcano’s vent, rain floods, fires rage, drought consumes and storms destroy. Harsh and unpredictable states are true for people as well, making some conversations difficult if equal consideration is not afforded. Being positive is something to aim for, but if life seems unkind do not put on a happy face to please others. Emotionally intelligent people will soon figure out that the face doesn’t match outgoing words. It takes time to re-emerge after bad experiences, major life changes and weeks of confusion. The smile will come back with a little effort. This is when words of kindness and empathy can be useful. With so many affirmations on social media, t-shirts, bags, stickers and signs, many feel they should be positive all the time. States of contin...

The Futurist

The future is a sort of unattainable place, the moment you’re there it becomes the present and shortly after the past. Though people are always in the present, their minds spend a great deal of time speculating about future developments or the ideal life. Time is also spends time sifting through relevant past experiences that benefit the present. Its little wonder people have trouble with concentration and focus. How will the future look, will it be people friendly and can the natural world sustain growing global communities? It is the job of the futurist to contemplate, calculate and create inspired plans that may become a living reality. The futurist is a visionary with an analytical mind for calculations. These are very different places for the mind to congregate; the creative visionary and mathematical analyst would more often be two distinct people. This combination of traits offers a unique outlook. The futurist could be a scientist, inventor, creative genius or phil...

Is Bullying a Learned Behaviour?

Aggression is an abhorrent behaviour when it is used as a weapon to subdue or control others. Over the centuries many have taught the young to fight, manipulate and steal in order to survive, obtain wealth or gain status. The victims of aggression often found themselves in unwinnable situations and moved away from the hostilities, where possible. When situations became too stifling for communities and words of fairness could not be heard, they banned together against tyrannical groups or individuals and war ensued. Those that are corner are forced to defend themselves. Aggression is an abhorrent behaviour when it is used as a weapon to subdue or control others.  The history of ancestors at war has bought some eras of peace, but at what cost to human emotional development and empathy for others? Children and teenagers learn from the world around them, they know how to fight, verbally abuse, manipulate via stealth, make fun of others, use online deception and tell half the...

Why Travel is an Integral Part of Genetic Inheritance

People have been nomadic for reasons of survival since the earliest tribal groupings. This was highly dependent on food, especially the seasons; early inhabitants where well aware when it was time to move on and gather the next natural harvest. The migration trail is full of ancestors who moved because nature had sudden unforgiving shifts which forced people onward. Archaeologists have discovered hundreds of abandoned villages, towns and cities where rivers suddenly changed direction leaving desert environments. Volcanoes are responsible for covering whole cities or leaving them at the bottom of the oceans. Ice ages forced millions to head for warmer climates and the last one was only twenty thousand years ago. When the ice melted land bridges disappeared leaving some people isolated to islands. It’s no wonder people have such a varied genetic heritage. When people feel the urge to travel it goes much deeper than it seems, an undeniably part of our genetic Inheritance. When pe...

Does Society Value Older People?

People spend their whole lives learning and experiencing, a literal storehouse of knowledge accumulated in just one being. There are billions of people on Earth all with something to share, but is this being passed on as people get older and does society value older people? The young are quick to think they know it all as they travel to adulthood, but could a bit of advice be helpful along the way? Maybe more people should write personal memoir’s for their own sake and the benefit of present and future generations. No one should pass from this life without leaving some small legacy from their wealth of experience. For millennia there has been shaman, wise woman, philosophers, priests, oracles and mystics in each village, tribe, mob or settlement. As humanity has expanded the size of its towns to towering cities, has sage advice been lost in the rush? Necessity often means employment is away from parents, grandparents and brothers and sisters. This is made harder if couples wh...

Stepping Back to View Our Place on Earth

    We are an evolving people with a soul-mind capacity that stretches way beyond our physical body. In our visions of creativity we have no limits. Our daydreams are full of wonderful uplifting beauty that brings endless possibilities. The fear in us restricts, subdues and ridicules our fluid energetic concepts, reducing them to fantasies we all must grow out of. Along with that we have created systems of living where failure to conform to the typical way of life can have you living on the streets. As we move into a robotic age it is said that creativity will be most highly valued, because most manual occupations will no longer be viable employment. This will move humanity back into a creative emotional compassionate space that is in keeping with our true nature. This will force us to step back and view our place on Earth. Humanity is a species that is shrouded in a mist that prevents clear vision; there are glimpses but never enough real effort on humanity’s part to...